The Journey Of A Goddess

by Rodna J.
(Edgewood, KY.)

The journey was created by a thought,
long before we were aware there was one to be sought.
A baby girl is born that has chosen her way,
to be strengthened by love, fear, or dismay.
There are some dressed up pretty in ribbons and bows,
while others are sent to school wearing raggedy clothes.
This journey of the Goddess is not a tragedy to be looked at sadly.
It was only meant to be.
As we gather our lessons we gain piece of mind.
In contemplating our past, it is the Goddess we find.

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Jun 18, 2008
by: Susan

This is truly a self healing poem. It generated some thoughts for me of my childhood that wasn't all that great. But, in reading this poem, I came to the realization that my experiences have made me a stronger individual. I wouldn't change a thing. To change my past would change the person I've come to be. I am one site vistor that is thankful for your contribution.

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